Sunday, November 18, 2012

Printing Comments for Adobe PDFs

For those of you who have Adobe Acrobat X, there is a nice way to create a PDF showing all of the comments in the document. The result uses a landscape orientation with the original page on the left side and a list of the comments on the right side. It also has arrows that connect the comments to the text in the original document.

How to create a document showing all comments:
  1. Click Comment on the top-right.
  2. If the comment list is not open, then click Comments List.
  3. On the top-right of the Comments List pane, select Options --> Create Comment Summary.
  4. In the window that opens, select the radio button next to Document and comments with connector lines on single pages.
  5. Click Creat Comment Summary.
  6. This creates a new PDF document that shows the comments.
  7. Save the document.
[Source Adobe]

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Get PDFs with non-Standard Fonts and Apple Preview to Display Correctly

A project that I am working on uses non-standard fonts in the documents (in this case Myriad Pro). The documents are in Microsoft Word and then saved as PDFs for distribution. After sending out one document I got feedback that users on Apple computers did not see any text when they opened the PDF with Preview. That's bad!

I looked around for a solution and found that Preview does not work well with Open Type fonts. The solution (at least until Apple fixes their OS) is to embed the fonts in the PDF.

If you have Adobe Acrobat, you can use this procedure to setup PDF creation:
1.    You must have Adobe Acrobat installed (not just Adobe Reader)
2.    Open the Word file

Monday, July 2, 2012

Powerpoint: Add Connection Point to Shape

Routing connections in Powerpoint works well only when the ends of the connector are attached to connection points. Connection points are usually only on the corners/vertices of the shapes and you often want to connect to a different location.

You can add your own connection points by doing the following:
  1. Click the shape that you want to add connection points to.
  2. Right click > Edit Points.
  3. Hover the mouse over the place where you want to create the connector. The mouse will change into cross hairs.
  4. Left click one time. DO NOT move the mouse.
  5. Right click > Add point.
You now have a new connector at that location.

[Source Indezine]

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Windows: Fit Filenames in Windows Explorer

If you want to resize the columns in the Windows Explorer to be able to see complete filenames, you can use this keyboard shortcut:
  • Press and hold the Control key and then press the Plus key (Cntl + +)
I tested this under Windows 7.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Windows: Change the OEM Background Image

If you want to change the background image for your logon screen, all you need to do is change the default image located in this directory:


More extensive instructions can be found at TechSpot.

[Source Techspot]

Monday, May 14, 2012

Gmail: Multiple Email Addresses

Today I was learning how to become a Gmail Ninja and I came across a nice addition to Gmail. You can have multiple email address sent to the same address just by adding a plus sign (+). For example, if my email is, I can create:
All of the above will be delivered to
Why is this important you say? You can then set up filters based on the incoming email address. When you get dozens or hundreds of emails a day this can be a big time saver.

[Source Gmail]

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Excel: Nice Shades

If you are using conditional formatting to highlight cells, you can run into problems when you delete/add rows. Sometimes the conditional formatting rules apply to a strange set of cells instead of one contiguous range of cells.

To get around this issue, you can use a macro to do the highlighting. Open the VBA editor (with Alt-F10) and then add the following code to Microsoft Excel Objects --> ThisWorkbook:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

'shade cell with "yes"
If Target.Row > 1 And Target.Column = 2 Then
    If Target.Value = "yes" Then
        Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 50
        Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 2
    End If
End If
This code is run every time you edit a cell. The code makes sure the current cell is not the 1st row (which is usually for headings). It then checks if the cell is in column B (which is column number 2). If the contents of the cell are "yes" it gets green shading, otherwise is gets white shading.

The only downside to this method is that it runs only after editing a cell. Therefore, if you already have  cells with information, you have to re-edit each cell to get the macro to run. This can be done somewhat easily by hitting F2, then the Enter key. For large amounts of data, you need to write a wrapper macro that you can run once on the sheet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Author-it: Quick Search 'q' Bug

I have encountered the 'q' bug several times, without any apparent cause. Normally, one needs to type Cntl-q to open the Quick Search dialog. The 'q' bug is when typing the letter q opens the  dialog (without holding down the Cntl key). This makes it impossible to use any words with the letter 'q'.

The solution to the problem (until they come out with a fix for the bug) is to follow this procedure:
  1. Press and release the Cntl key one time. 
That's it! Operation should then work normally.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Word 2010: Remove Floating Paste Menu

In Word 2010, whenever you paste text you get an annoying little paste options menu next to the insertion point. This menu often covers up other text making it hard to continue reading the document. 

If you actually like that menu but you have finished using it and you want it to go awya, then the easiest way to remove it after pasting is to highlight anything else and copy it (Cntl-c).

If you are like 99% of the population and dislike the menu, you can disable it with the following procedure:
  1. Select File --> Options
  2. Select Advanced
  3. In the Cut, Copy and Paste section, uncheck Show Paste Options button when content is pasted
[Solution from GroovyPost]

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Windows 7 Shortcut Keys

Windows 7 shortcut keys can save lots of time. For a great list of what is possible, use the following links:
Some of my favorites include:
  • WinKey + Left arrow = Fill left half screen w/current window
  • WinKey + Right arrow = Fill right half screen w/current window 
  • WinKey + Up arrow = Maximize
  • WinKey + Down arrow = Minimize

Monday, March 12, 2012

MS Word: Paste as Text

To set up a shortcut key to paste as text, do the following:
  1. From the View tab, create a new macro named PasteSpecialAsText.
  2. Replace the contents of the code editor with the following text:
    Sub PasteSpecialAsText()
         Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteText
    End Sub
  3. From the File menu, choose Word Options, then Customize Ribbon, and then click the Customize button next to Keyboard shortcuts at the bottom to bring up the Customize Keyboard dialog.
  4. Choose Macros from the categories list on the left, and then your macro in the Commands box on the right-hand side. Now you can enter in a shortcut key (Ctrl+Shift+V or your own), and click the Assign button.
This procedure was taken from LifeHacker and updated for Word 2010.

[Source LifeHacker]

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Word VBA Macros Interrupted

When debugging Word VBA macros, the following message sometimes occurs:
Code execution has been interrupted

You then need to click on the Continue button repeatedly to run through the macro. When searching for a solution to this bug, I came across a comment in the MyMindLeaks blog that said to try and press Ctrl-Break when the macro is not running. This works perfectly!

[Source MyMindLeaks]

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reduce PDF Size

When saving a Word file as PDF there is a quick trick to reduce the resulting file size. 

Use the following procedure.
  1. In Word, use the normal Save as -> PDF
  2. Open the PDF that was created (if it does not open automatically)
  3. Select File -> Save as
  4. Click "Save".
This overwrites the current PDF file with a new version that removes the extra baggage that Word added.

As an example, I had a file that was originally 8,594 KB. After using the above procedure it was reduced to 6,353 KB.

  • Word 2010
  • Adobe Acrobat 9
  • Windows 7