Sunday, January 30, 2011

Split Excel Columns into Multiple Rows

I am always forgetting how to do this, so today I am writing it down. When you have one long column of data in Excel and you want to split it into multiple rows of data (such as rows with 5 columns), how do you do it?

Assuming the data is in column A, then put into B1:


Copy to the right four times and then down as far as you need to. If you want to change the number of columns in the result, then change the '5' to the # of columns.

[Source OzGrid]

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Remove All BookMarks

Sometimes documents can get loaded with useless bookmarks. Here is a macro to remove them:

Sub RemoveAllBookmarks()
    Dim objBookmark As Bookmark

    For Each objBookmark In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
End Sub

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Remember, it's not how you feel, but how you look.

Font selection chart:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Author-It: Pasting Text with Formatting

For those of you using Author-It, there is an unfortunate feature that text that is pasted into a topic (from a Word doc), gets a "No Paragraph Style". You then have to select the text and apply an AIT style. At the latest Author-It User Group meeting, the way to get around this was revealed.

Follow these steps:
  1. From the main window select: Import -> (Transformation) Profiles
  2. Select Word Documents
  3. Click Properties
  4. Check the box next to Use for Paste
Now, when you want to paste text into AIT, click:
Paste -> Paste Using Import Profile -> Word Documents

That's it. Happy pasting.