Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Bathroom Humor

I my office we have one bathroom that has two stalls next to each other.  The stall on the left has a nice big fan which provides plenty of ventilation.  The stall on the right has no ventilation. Now, someone probably complained about the lack of ventilation so they searched long and hard, and consulted with the best bathroom consultants in the country for a solution to the problem.  What was the solution?

All of you brilliant thinkers out there probably came up with the same solution:  Cut a hole in the wall and stick a fan in it.  Now, it blows the stink from one stall to the other!

Suggestion to visitors: Use the stall on the right.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How To: Screen Captures

After using Irfanview to do some serious screen capturing, I think it is probably the easiest/best tool around.

How To use Irfanview for screen captures:

1. Download the program: 
      a. Note that there are two downloads: Irfanview and the plugins.
2. Install and run it.
3. Choose Options -> Capture/Screenshot (or just hit the letter "c")
4. Choose the type of screenshot - full screen, foreground window, rectangle, etc.
5. Choose how you want to save it - there's two options:
     a. When you take the screenshot it opens an irfanview window for editing
     b. Or you can save directly to a file. Give the filename format, a directory name, and the image format.
6. There is also a checkbox to choose whether or not to include the cursor in the image
7. Click "Start"
8. Irfanview now runs in the background. Just type "Ctrl-F11" to get a snapshot.

MS Word 2007 Macros

As the documents that I am writing keep getting bigger, simple tasks, like reformatting every table in the document, are getting harder. So, I turned to Word macros for help. The list below contains some of the macros that I have found that make (my) life easier.

Word Tips

  1. How do I print multiple copies of a single page on 1 page?
  2. How do I copy footnotes to another document?
  3. How do I paste without formatting (quickly)?
  4. How do I reformat all the tables in a document?
  5. How do I update all the fields in a document?
  6. How do I make all the references (Figures, Tables, etc.) formatted in Italics?